The college library is named as Padmanav Gajapati Library. The total number of book in the library is 73010 till date.

  1. The library ordinarily remains open from 10-30 a.m to 4-30 p.m on all working days.
  2. The library remains closed on Sundays and gazetted holidays.
  3. A person even if otherwise qualified for admission in to the library shall not be admitted in to library premises if he or she is not of sound mind or is not cleanly in person or dress or is a problem to discipline.
  4. No book shall be taken out of the library without the knowledge of librarian. Members of the staff during their class work may however borrow books from the library for their immediate reference on presentation of a slip duly signed by them and to be returned not later than 4-30 p.m. on that day.
  5. Borrowers are expected to examine the condition of books at the time of issue as otherwise in case of mutilation discovered later the presumption will be against the last borrower.
  6. Books should be returned within the period allowed to a borrower.
  7. When the date for return of a book falls on authorized holiday, it should be returned to the library on next working day.
  8. All books belonging to the library and in the possession of borrowers should be returned to the library before the college closes for the long vacations or before the date notified for the purpose. However a member of the teaching staff can take books on the requisitions granted by the Principal.
  9. Whoever might have a library books in possession should return it to the library whenever he receives a requisition notice for the book from the librarian.
  10. Books borrowed from the library must be returned to the librarian only.
  11. Although ordinarily there will be no restriction on the use of books in library  the Principal has the right to stop isssue of certain books to all or some intending borrowers.
  12. None but members of the teaching staff and the ministerial staff may go inside the library
  13. The following is the list showing the maximum number of books that may be issued to the various classes of borrowers (Ref. G.O. 62415(91) dt. 9.10.01).
    • Members of the teaching staff - 10 each
    • Class-III,Class-IV - 3 each
    • Post Gradute Students - 4 each
    • +3 Course (Hons) Students - 3 each
  14. A member of the teaching staff however , can take books more than the number prescribed for him on requisition granted by the Principal.
    The issue of text books to the students will be restricted to the availability of books after meeting the requirements of the teachers.
    Members of the teaching staff, however , for frequent consultation and for the benefit of students,may open seminars in their  departments and they will be fully responsible for the books.  The list of books to be transfered to the seminars must receive the previous sanction of the Principal.
  15. A book once issued to a borrower may not be reissued to him.
  16. The maximum time allowed to borrowers is fifteen days (for all types of borrowers).
  17. Ignorance of the library rules will not constitute an excuse for the breach of rules.


All those who may happen to be inside the library or in its neighborhood are expected to observe strict silence.
The Librarian has orders to see that rule of SILENCE is strictly observed.
Members of teaching staff are also expected to promote the observance or this rule whenever they are in the library and to report to the Principal the cases of deliberate disobedience and misbehavior. All talking except what is absolutely necessary is forbidden inside the library.

  1. An unauthorised person who tries to force his way into the library may be turned out by the library staff.
  2. A borrower against whom any over due or other charge is outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library.
  3. No book will be issued to a student if he/she fails to produce his/her identity card . If a student loses his library card another card will be issued to him on application and payment of 50 paise.
  4. For student who do not return the library book within the time allowed, a fine of 20 paise per book will be charged for each day of delay. The librarian shall submit to the Principal on the 7th day of every month a list of such defaulters of the previous month.
  5. When a book is lost/damaged by the borrower it should be replaced by a new as per specification entered in accession register. Ten times the current price of the book lost/ damaged will be realised from the borrower if the book is not replaced.If the lost book is one of the set or series ten time the current cost of the whole set or series will be realised from the borrower. This rule governs all the borrowers of the library including staff and students.
  6. "Damage" of the books includes such action on the part of borrower like mutilation or disfiguring in any manner in any portion of the book any/or and other such actions as determined by the Librarian which is tantamount to the term "Damage".
  7. Borrowers holding books for more then a year are liable to a fine of 50% of the original price of the books per year in case he returns the books intact, in addition to this if any book is lost/damaged Rule 22 Shall be applied over and above this rule.