The Department of Geography has earned the rare distinction of being one of the oldest department, established in 1974 in the South-Eastern corner of Odisha. Since then geography as a subject emerged at intermediate level (both in Arts & Science streams) under the dynamic patronage of the then principal Capt. S.S. Patnaik reached to a new its zenth, best in the hands of Sri P.K. Mohapatro, credited to be the first lecture of the department, responsible for the creation of necessary infrastructure facilities and a sense of geographical learning. Since then department has never looked back, geography (pass) was introduced in 1980s and Hons. teaching in 1991. Almost all the best geographers of the state have served in this department. From a humble beginning of 8 seats in Hons., now it has gone up to 48 along with century PLUS in elective PAPERS. Study of geography is the first choice in humanity stream as students are confident of employment, better career opportunities for a livelihood and to pursue higher learning in frontier fields like applied Geography, Regional and Environmental Planning. RS & GIS, GPS. The Department has a rare feat of capturing the Best Graduate in Arts since its inception with an unbroken discontinuity, bearing few years as exception. It offers the excellent academic atmosphere, conductive for a healthy learning, facilitate through PPT mode of presentation, advanced GIS & RS Lab, vibrant academic platform-Geography Seminar Society and the supporting students supporting facilities like Seminar library (PANGEA), Wall Magazine (PANTHALASA), Knowledge Board (COSMOS), Vast reading room in the Seminar Hall. Holding Seminars, Workshops, extra-Moral talks, GAT, MRT, Elocution & Quiz test are the regular features to awaken the hidden talents, development of communication skills &personalities and to encourage creativity among the students. Successfully Department has conducted many seminars on burning topics ranging from Resource to Environmental Management. Now the department has crossed the bench mark of Silver Jublii year (2018), on the threshold of opening P.G. in near future. The research oriented Geo-Economic Survey (Conducted every year) and other academic activities have been widely acclaimed , earned the appreciation and accolades from the members of NAAC as well as UGC team, has became a role model to emulate. The departmental staffs and students play a significant role in the curricular as well as extracurricular activities of the college. NOT ONLY WE TEACH BUT ALSO PREACH


The Department of Geography aims to develop 3H (Head, Hand and Heart) of young learners with knowledge (Head) and Skills (Hand) and Sensitivity (Heart) towards spatial thinking and spatial analysis to resolve various real world problems in their day to day life.


  • To introduce higher level of courses such as M.A and M. Phil.
  • To introduce various skills oriented diploma and certificate courses on Remote Sensing & GIS.
  • To update and upgrade Geography teaching and research through ICT.
  • To update and upgrade Geography teaching and research by conducting Special lectures, Seminars/Webinar and workshops.
  • To undertake various minor and major research projects in interdisciplinary studies.
  • To develop E – Content on various filed of Geography.
  • To develop social awareness different environmental related issues and plantation of trees as the mandatory.


  • Bridge classes for newly admitted students.
  • Weekly seminars by departmental seminar society.
  • Free coaching classes for various competitive exams related to Geography.
  • Career counseling session.
  • Online classes.
Research Area:NA
Career Profile: Click here to download...

Name:Sri Archishman Sardar
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:M.Sc (Gold Medalist)
Research Area:Fluvial Geomorphology
Career Profile: Click here to download...

Name:Miss Urmila Badamundi
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:M. Phil
Research Area:Urban Geography
Career Profile: Click here to download...

Name:Dr. S.T.Rehman
Designation:Assistant Professor
Research Area:1) Regional Planning and Development 2) Rural Development 3) Disaster Management 4) Natural Resource Management 5) Urbanization & Regional Development
Career Profile: Click here to download...

SL No. Contents Download
1 Courses of Studies In +2 Stream   View
2 Courses of Studies For The U.G. Examination   View
3 Courses of Studies For The P.G. Examination   View